Pathfinder House

The Costs and Consequences of Employment Disputes

The city AM newspaper is reporting that recent research from law firm Birketts has shown that English and Welsh businesses are losing around 4.8 working weeks in every two year period purely handling employment related disputes which are ending up being pursued through employment tribunals. This highlights the desirability of seeking to achieve a negotiated/mediated settlement in early course, thereby potentially avoiding employment tribunal proceedings.

In this way alternative dispute resolution (ADR) can result in the most mutually beneficial outcome possible while also making very significant costs savings for all parties concerned. Not only financially but also in saving time and human resources from being tied up in dealing with an ongoing dispute at the opportunity cost of that time being spent instead on developing the business. Such resolution through ADR is also very likely to avoid much of the stress on individuals associated with an ongoing dispute, particularly if such resolution avoids the need for the likes of employment tribunal proceedings.

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